Galería Ehrhardt Flórez


  • Thilo Heinzmann
  • Thomas Zipp

Thilo Heinzmann / Thomas Zipp

30/11/1999 - 29/01/2000
Thilo Heinzmann, Thomas Zipp (1999), installation view.
Thilo Heinzmann, Thomas Zipp (1999), installation view.
Thilo Heinzmann, Thomas Zipp (1999), installation view.

Thilo Heinzmann (1969) and Thomas Zipp (1966) both come from the Frankfurt Academy of Fine Arts, Staedelschule, where they studied with Thomas Bayrle and Martin Kippenberger. Apart from studies, they also share their first group exhibitions in galleries and in public spaces. That is why we found interesting present for the first time their work in Spain in a duo exhibition.

Thilo Heinzmann will occupy the gallery walls with murals, paintings and drawings, while Thomas Zipp will install a series of new sculptures and objects. Both work with unconventional materials, Heinzmann uses polyurethane instead of canvas and frame for his paintings, his drawings are strips of cellophane and pieces of folded cardboard instead of pencil while Zipp objects are made of various forms of cans, well known from everyday life, but worked with packing tape.
The installation moves in a field of interrelationships of plastic structures and their pictorial perception. It is influenced by their location in the gallery, playing with the specific conditions of sculpture and painting.

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